by Brandon Wainscott
So a little bit about myself. I am 28 years old and live in my mother's basement. Actually there is no basement but you get the point. The reason is I have to. I am epileptic and my neurologist does not think it ideal for me to live alone as I have had two cases of
status epileticus, seizures that last over five minutes and do not stop, or stopping, begin again. They can be fatal and therefore need emergency treatment unlike most seizures--anyone who has no history of seizures, or is not believed to should, go to the hospital but epileptics normally do not go to the hospital every time unless it is serious, like
status epilepticus. Besides, I am in school so it is convenient. So my mommy is going to take me out to get some wine because of course my license have been suspended--not for drinking wine and driving, but for seizures. Yeah, it really does suck. And not until one in the morning. Yeah that's late to open up a bottle of wine but I am a night owl and this vampire does Besides I have an early day tomorrow and need a nightcap.
So I do not think I will finish the bottle. So what to do? Well my trick is to put it, whether red or white, in the fridge because it slows down deterioration. Then the next day, right before you are ready to drink it, take it out and in an ice bucket like the one you chill wine in. Put lukewarm water in it and bring the bottle proper temperature. That's room temperature for red and 45-55 degrees (Fahrenheit) for white.
Why bring the white down after taking it out? Because the refrigerator is too cold and the positive aromas and taste are lost just like they are in a wine too warm. It also helps to use a vacuum pump if you have one to remove the air from the bottle but the wine should keep for one night without much of a problem. For really cheap wines it usually does not matter if you drink the white too cold but red wine that is cold will be unpleasant. How long to warm the wine will vary based on factors. It's like chilling. You just keep checking by touching the bottle with the BACK of your hand, not because it's hot, but because the back of the hand is more accurate in judging than the front. It's the same rule of thumb as in chilling A degree or two a minute so check a red every ten minutes and a white the same, which will of course take lesser time since you are only bringing it down a little.
Of course if you just want to get drunk then you wasted your time reading this! Cheers then and remember to recycle! A good deed makes up for a bad deed, so recycle to repair the sin of drunkenness.
On second thought, as a final note, I might just get a half pint of scotch and a bottle of champagne for tomorrow which is a
special day for a special lady of my heart, Patricia with her starry eyes. They say Don Perignon said of his new creation (sparkling wine), "I have tasted the stars." Patricia, my lady, who is like Dante's
Beatrice, I drink your starry eyes in an act of amorous cannibalism (think Christian communion act where the body of Christ is eaten). In
Dante's first sonnet of La Vita Nuova, Beatrice eats Dante's heart, an allegory perhaps of Christian communion, but also representing the fact that Beatrice will die, because after eating the heart, she ascends to heaven. I shall drink the stars and commune with my lady through the wine tomorrow.
blood eyes of
Christ Patricia.