Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cleaning Wine Glasses

by Brandon Wainscott

A quick little post to get something in since I have not posted in over a week. How should you clean wine glasses? The answer would seem to be put them in the dishwasher and if you do so I would remind everyone to be careful on how you load them as they can be broken in the chaos. But really the dishwasher is not the best method, nor soap at all. Simply use water and then dry them off with a clean towel. Why? Because I read that it can take up to ten washes to get the soap completely off. And what does soap left on there mean? Well an effect on taste and aroma of course! It really makes sense and since reading that I have stopped using soap. The only time you should use soap IMHO is if they have been sitting for a long time. I had some champagne flutes that had collected some nasty stuff on the inside and I decided to use soap. Also if uncooked meat touches them it is a MUST of course. Say you are cooking and enjoying a glass of wine as you do so and the raw steak rubs against the glass. You would want to wash them well with soap and water. Otherwise simply wash with water. Here's my method:

1) With very hot water wash the inside and outside of the glass, stem and all. 
2) Dry with a clean dish towel or rag. When dry check to see if any wine or water spots are left. If there is anything still on the glass repeat as required. Sometimes it take two or three times to get the glass clean. Be sure to wash the rim of the glass, too, of course.

HINT: With the dish towel an easy and effective method of drying is to stuff some of the towel inside the glass and keep turning it around until the inside is dry. This makes sure the whole inside is dry and helps prevent water spots.

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